Camp Rules

We love having your students at Crossroads Summer Camp and hope to create the best environment possible for students to engage with one another and grow in their relationship with the Lord! While rules and discipline have their place, our primary focus is to create an atmosphere where teenagers can focus on their relationships with others and the Lord. With this in mind, we ask that leaders and parents help us to share rules before arriving at camp!

Things That Will Send You Home (Automatically)

Our staff hosts a rules “pep rally” during the opening meeting of camp to help ensure students are aware of expectations going into camp. One phrase we shout at the end of this meeting is “if you don’t follow these rules, we will SEND YOU HOME!” Of course, we would never desire to or have joy in sending a camper home, so we want to help you identify what may be an offense that will, in fact, SEND YOU HOME.

  1. Breaking the Law 😬 - Any offense that is against U.S. or State law will be handled according to the law. The University has an on-site Campus Security team that will be involved in any illegal activity. This is included but not limited to: deliberate vandalism or damage to property, harassment, theft, and sexual misconduct.

  2. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! - There is absolutely no alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or drugs of any kind. Ever.

  3. Weapons, Firearms, and Fireworks (just leave loud things home) - No firearms, weapons, or fireworks of any kind may be used or possessed on University grounds.

Things That Will Send You Home (if the leader thinks it’s necessary)

While the above rules may send a student home, the following rules shouldn’t be diminished in any way. We take these rules just as seriously, but instead of automatically sending a student home for breaking these rules, we allow the leader of the church to determine if he or she would like to discipline at camp or send a student home.

  1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Blatant disrespect (including use of inappropriate and vulgar language) towards fellow camp participants, Clayton King Ministries Staff, or Anderson University employees will not be tolerated. We also ask that students respect other student’s property and personal space. A specific note for our Trojan Transit - We simply ask that our transit drivers are treated with love and respect. Horseplay and other inappropriate behavior is prohibited on the Transit at all times, and the drivers have the authority to eject passengers for improper conduct and take any appropriate action to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

  2. Don’t Bet Your Bottom Dollar - The University has a no tolerance policy for any type of gambling. Please communicate to students that this would include any games that involve gambling with cash or cash equivalents.

  3. No Purple! - If boys are blue and girls are red, we expect there to be no purple! This includes PDA (public displays of affection). We also enforce a strict policy of gender separation in dorms-- including leaders and during move-in!

  4. Don’t Be Shady! - Any pranks done to a person or done to property is strictly prohibited.

  5. Modest is Hottest - When considering dress code, our summer staff will step in to assist in extreme cases, but we will count on leaders to help us enforce such rules.

  6. Screen Time Rules! - We ask that students refrain from using cell phones during public gathering times. With cell phones, some practical uses at camp could be: Bible apps, taking pictures, communication among the group, etc. The times we do not recommend cell phone usage: any worship service, activity time, family time, and during dorm time.

Basic Camp Guidelines

  1. Curfews are cool! - All students and leaders must be in their dorms by 10:30pm. Most of the damages that we have seen to the dorms have occurred when leaders are not present, so please be sure leaders are visible and engaged before lights out. We also realize that church devotions may end with one of your students needing more advising. Please feel free to use as much time as you need once in your dorms (boys with a male leader and girls with a female leader). We cannot have a male leader alone with a female teenager or vice versa in the dorms or after curfew outside the dorms. Our staff will be ready to hang out and get to know you guys better! Our final lights out is at 11:30pm. Please help our staff enforce lights out in respect to the other churches in your building. Our staff will be on site until midnight and will be a phone call away after that if anything is needed after lights out!

  2. You Must Attend All Services - Seriously, it’s the whole point of camp. :)

  3. We are not your butler or housekeeper - Your dorm leader will review all housing rules in detail on the Monday evening. Be sure to arrive on time for your dorm meeting on that evening to hear and help enforce any housing rules.

University Specific Guidelines

  1. Stay Out of the Fountains! - Please stay out of the fountains on campus. This includes putting your feet or hands in the water. If your church would like to be accommodated with a location for baptisms, we can open the campus pool for your use!

  2. No Skateboards, Rollerblades, Hoverboards (or pretty much anything with wheels under your feet!) - In consideration of local ordinances restricting the use of skateboards on Anderson City streets and sidewalks and for the safety of Anderson University students, employees, and guests, no person will ride or operate a skateboard or any similar item on Anderson University-owned property, including but not limited to buildings, sidewalks, and streets and parking facilities. This includes the main campus and the Athletic Campus.

  3. Bicycle Policy - Students may bring bicycles to campus for transportation and recreation. For the safety of all, please follow these expectations:

    • Students are required to wear helmets when riding their bicycles on campus.

    • Riders should operate bikes according to traffic laws to maintain their safety as well as the safety of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

    • Bicycles should be parked in designated spaces on campus or may be stored in the student’s room on campus, provided they do not impede exit from the room or inconvenience roommates. Bicycles should be stored in ways that will not damage walls, furniture, or fixtures. 

    • Students are encouraged to lock their bicycle when it is stored outside, as the University is not responsible for the theft or damage to bicycles. 

  4. Drone Use on Campus - For reasons of safety and privacy, Anderson University prohibits launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft of any form or kind, on or over the University’s campus without written permission from the Campus Safety Office and Proof of Limited Unmanned Aircraft Insurance Coverage. This prohibition applies to students, employees, and guests. Any violation of this policy will result in the confiscation of the device and may result in other sanctions or criminal prosecution.

  5. No BARE feet (or BEAR feet 🐻) - Shoes must be worn at all times inside any University building (except during your dorm time)!

  6. Dude, Where’s My Car?! - Please park in white spaces on campus. Parking passes and driving policies will be made available to drivers upon registering for camp. If you rent a golf cart for camp, you will receive further rules upon arrival for parking and driving. 

  7. YOU SHALL NOT PASS! - There is a certain perimeter that campers are allowed in without a chaperone. Students cannot walk to the Athletic Campus or off-campus without a chaperone. Leaders can use their own discretion on how students should be supervised within the on-campus perimeter. Speaking of passing, anytime students or leaders need to cross any street, they must cross at marked crosswalks or approved crossing locations.  

    *If Crossroads or Anderson University Staff finds that a camper has broken any of the above rules, they will hold them in a public place until a leader or summer staffer arrives.*

    Camp Dress Code

    Crossroads has determined a specific standard of dress for all attendees, including leaders. With all of us working together to uphold this standard, we hope to maintain a focus on what truly matters. This is an advanced notice so that you can pack accordingly. While our staff works hard to enforce our standard of dress, we try not to make it our only focus. We apologize in advance if there are any inconsistencies in addressing the standard of dress for one student and not another. We do rely on you and appreciate your efforts to maintain this standard of dress for the duration of camp.

    • No revealing or excessively tight clothing 

    • No offensive slogan or profanity on clothing or hats 

    • Shorts should be appropriate length (finger tip)

    • No sagging pants or shorts 

    • No text on back of shorts or pants 

    • No spaghetti strap tops (all straps should be an inch or two fingertips wide)

    • Skirts/Dresses must be knee length or not worn at all

    • No clothing revealing the stomach, bra, or back (Bralettes are acceptable under clothing if they are two fingertips wide)

    • Girls - One-piece bathing suit or dark cover-ups when swimming 

    • Guys - Athletic shorts are not considered swim trunks. Shirts must be worn at all times, except when swimming 

    • Everyone must wear clothes to and from the pool